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Cortisol & DHEA-S·
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Соотношение кортизол/ДГЭА-С

Cortisol/Dhea-S Ratio Of Longevity

Cortisol/Dhea-S Ratio Of Longevity Read More »

A complex interaction between cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEA-S) is crucial in the stress system balance. In particular, significantly higher or lower cortisol/DHEA(S) ratios have been associated with depression and aggression. In general, DHEA-S levels affect various body systems, as well as prevent aging (Chahal and Drake 2007). That is why the Cortisol DHEA ratio is […]

thyroid gland hormones

Thyroid Gland Hormones

Thyroid Gland Hormones Read More »

All hormones in our body must work in concert to maintain optimal health. Thyroid gland hormones play a major role in regulating this work. In today’s article, we will discuss which symptoms can tell us that not everything is in order with our thyroid hormones. We will also take a closer look at the three

vitamin a immune system



Vitamins are essential constituents of our diet that have been known to influence the immune system. But which vitamins have proven effective to help our immune system? Is a healthy diet enough? All these questions are constantly raised and become especially burning during epidemics. In turn, many studies test hypotheses and publish the results, sometimes

checking homocysteine serum levels

Checking Homocysteine Serum Levels

Checking Homocysteine Serum Levels Read More »

Homocysteine is produced in our body (it is not contained in food) through the metabolism of an essential amino acid called methionine. Normally, formed homocysteine quickly turns into other, harmless substances – vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid are needed for these transformations. But in elevated concentrations, homocysteine provides a whole range of adverse effects,

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