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Endocrine System

The endocrine system is a complex network of glands and organs. It uses hormones to control and coordinate your body’s metabolism, energy level, reproduction, growth and development, and response to injury, stress, and mood.

Important endocrine glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, thymus, and adrenal glands. There are other glands that contain endocrine tissue and secrete hormones, including the pancreas, ovaries, and testes. The endocrine and nervous systems work closely together.

what is metabolic syndrome

What Is Metabolic Syndrome?

What Is Metabolic Syndrome? Read More »

Metabolic syndrome is an unhealthy metabolism that leads to fatal diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes, and cancer. Moreover, this condition affects more than a fifth of the US population and about a quarter of the European population. Even though its prevalence in South-east Asia is lower, it is still rapidly moving towards the rates […]

Соотношение кортизол/ДГЭА-С

Cortisol/Dhea-S Ratio Of Longevity

Cortisol/Dhea-S Ratio Of Longevity Read More »

A complex interaction between cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEA-S) is crucial in the stress system balance. In particular, significantly higher or lower cortisol/DHEA(S) ratios have been associated with depression and aggression. In general, DHEA-S levels affect various body systems, as well as prevent aging (Chahal and Drake 2007). That is why the Cortisol DHEA ratio is

thyroid gland hormones

Thyroid Gland Hormones

Thyroid Gland Hormones Read More »

All hormones in our body must work in concert to maintain optimal health. Thyroid gland hormones play a major role in regulating this work. In today’s article, we will discuss which symptoms can tell us that not everything is in order with our thyroid hormones. We will also take a closer look at the three


What Is Osteoporosis?

What Is Osteoporosis? Read More »

Osteoporosis literally means porous bone. As bones become more porous and fragile, the risk of fracture increases significantly. Surprisingly, while osteoporosis is much more common than other chronic diseases, it tends to receive less public attention, although the effects of certain fractures can lead to disability and death. The situation is aggravated by the fact

Как снизить гликированный гемоглобин

How To Lower Your A1c Levels?

How To Lower Your A1c Levels? Read More »

Diabetes is a major global health concern with a significant rise in prevalence. At the same time, glycated hemoglobin (A1C) helps to know how your body copes with sugar. For us, it’s an opportunity to detect a condition when the body is not functioning normally but it has not yet reached a state of disease.

type 2 diabetes



After posting the publication about lipid profile assessment, we received many comments and questions. Among all the questions, type 2 diabetes and the ineffectiveness of drug treatment were mentioned most often. Therefore, today we will pay attention to this particular topic, dwelling on the following points: This article was last reviewed by Svetlana Baloban, Healsens, on March 04,

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